Counselor Roles & Responsibilities

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Greystone staff are leaders.

We are looking for counselors who can maintain patience and understanding while working with a group of campers. It’s important that FUN is #1 and that these girls can grow in confidence, even when challenged by something.

Greystone counselors lead by:

  • Modeling Christ to campers in words and actions.
  • Being enthusiastic and attentive to the campers.
  • Encouraging campers and fellow staff.
  • Smiling often.
  • Showing responsibility and initiative by stepping up to help others.
  • Working well with fellow staff members and being a team player.
  • Supporting fellow staff members by forgiving each other and showing Christ’s servant attitude.
  • Demonstrating flexibility and creativity when challenging situations arise.
  • Praying without ceasing for our camp community, our campers, and our fellow counselors.
  • Putting forth the best in everything, knowing that it is all for the glory of God.

Where will you fit in?

No matter your skills or interests, you’ll find a wide range of opportunities here at Greystone. Our counselor staff serves in three main roles throughout each summer:

Cabin Staff

Counselors hired for our Cabin Staff are eligible to be placed in a cabin with campers. These counselors live with a group of campers, serving them day in and day out within the cabin environment, including leading a nightly devotion for the group. Not all female staff will be placed in a cabin each session; some will have the opportunity to serve on our Program Staff.

Program Staff

Counselors serving on Program Staff model a true servant attitude, leading by example as they help make camp run smoothly. The Program Staff practices service in everything they do, unselfishly giving themselves to the work of encouraging and supporting the camp community. Program Staff assist with Evening Programs, provide Day Off coverage for Cabin Staff, and make the magic happen in so many ways. Program Staff live with and create community amongst other college-aged Program Staff counselors.

Men Staff

Our male counselors are a small group of Godly men who come to serve our camp community behind the scenes and assist as Program Staff. Although we rely on our Men Staff to be positive role models and a support system to the community at Greystone, male counselors do not have one-on-one contact, nor do they engage in a personal counseling ministry, with campers.

All Greystone Staff

No matter the counselor position, all of our staff teach a particular activity. For seven periods a day, counselors will help girls have fun and grow in skills ranging from Archery all the way to Zumba. Teaching a camper how to throw a pot on the ceramics wheel or coaching her through a High Adventure element is an experience that will never be forgotten. See some of the activity positions we hire for here!

Other summer roles: We also look for Kitchen Staff and Nurses to join our summer team!

“Every day I knew I was doing something that mattered in the deepest sense. There is goodness and growth in every part of working on this team, and every moment is worth it. A summer at Camp Greystone is never wasted.”

Lydia, Staff Member